Jesus And Relief Supplies was a UK registered charity working in and for the People of Romania.
We were based in the North East of England and had a couple working full time in North East Romania.

Newsletter for September - October 2020.

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

The Holy Spirit was sent to the disciples when Jesus ascended into Heaven; He is still with us now, and is the One who convicts, comforts, gives peace and guides and sustains us. Hallelujah!


As usual, we start with thanks to our faithful supporters who have continued to pray with and for us and to give towards our financial needs since we last wrote; we thank God for you and for your loyal support over many years!


As Covid restrictions have loosened slightly in our area, we have had a little more freedom to meet with others. Christ Community Church has opened its doors once again for the Sunday morning service to take place with all necessary precautions, such as masks and keeping distance in the seating arrangements. This had meant that Ian has started to play in the worship band again, and Sue is back to greeting, albeit with slightly different guidelines. As well as those attending in person, we have around 60 people watching the live streaming of the service each week, increasing our pre-Covid numbers by around forty to fifty!

A couple of weeks ago, we attended a Small Group Leaders’ event in the basement of the church building, which was fun as well as informative. Pastor John and Rachel, our assistant pastor, spoke about the importance of growth and outreach, and several fun activities also took place. Our own Small Group, Seeking the Spirit, kicked off at the beginning of September, and is going very well. We are excited to see the members of our group opening up to the things of the Spirit as we all learn together. Sue is also attending another group via Zoom, studying a book. Angie M, one of the ladies who has been involved in Zoom dinner, is part of this group, as well as another group, so we are encouraged to see her growing in her faith. It’s interesting to “meet” with several other ladies of varying ages and to study a book we are all reading in weekly installments.

Ian continues to serve voluntarily at PADS, and is enjoying being back amongst the homeless clients. He has already had several opportunities to share his faith with staff members as well as some of the clients, and he loves every minute! A couple of weeks ago he volunteered to fix PADS’ van which desperately needed some TLC! He is also helping with practical needs of those inside and outside the church, and we both meet weekly to pray with Pastor John and Glenda. This is a lovely time of sharing and lifting one another up to the Lord, as well as praying for needs of those in the church and others we have contact with.

Sue is attending counselling appointments with Pastor John, and is as always enjoying the experience this gives her. She is learning a lot, and is able to put this knowledge into practice when praying and talking to various individuals, both on a regular and occasional basis. John asked Sue to lead a prayer team, to be available after Sunday services to those needing prayer. This is going well and so far our group is showing up and being very willing to help those who come forward for prayer or counsel.

Know Hope is still in a state of transition, currently reviewing applications from people interested in becoming part of the leadership team. The one group which has continued to meet since early February is still going strong, and is considering welcoming another member soon.

We are both involved in the Zoom dinner, and this is still encouraging those taking part as we meet and chat and discuss all sorts of topics!


As mentioned last time, we hope at some point to lead an Alpha Course. Due to Covid, this is not currently possible (we feel it’s better in person than over the Internet) so we have to wait for the right time.

In mid-October, we attended (virtually) a course run by 3dm on discipleship. This was a three day event, and was incredibly interesting and inspiring, as much of the work was done in discussion with the church leaders – all this knowledge can be used for His glory as we relate to the people we are working alongside. Please pray that we will be able to do our part in implementing some of the teaching we received with others in the church.

Later in October, we will be involved in an event at Cup of Cold Water, a teaching event also related to discipleship and evangelism.


So far, we have had no news from the Immigration department other than receipts for the cheques we sent them(!). Apparently, Covid has caused some delays in their usual schedule, so we continue to wait and pray. Although our current visas end in November, we will be allowed 180 days’ leeway after that date to receive our new ones, and in the meantime work is going on behind the scenes on the first part of our second application. God is in control, and we know from experience that He is an expert at providing necessary paperwork!!


Last Friday we were invited to attend the meeting of the elders at CCC. This proved to be an encouragement to us as all the elders expressed their appreciation of our ministry within and without the church. We had time to share with them our recent opportunities in passing on God’s love, and to explain our God-given desire to be accountable to someone as we move forward in His will for us. We thank God for the leadership of the church we work with, that they are Godly men and women and keep their eyes on Him.


for another Ian who recently joined the church and was baptised in early October. Ian has some issues with addiction and other problems – please pray for his healing and for patience.
for Angie M as she attends the two small groups each week, that she will come closer to God.
for Amanda, a lady Sue visited and has become close to over our two and a half years here, that God will give her healing and peace.
for us as we seek God’s will for our ongoing ministry here in Ottawa. For our roles in the church and especially for Sue’s position within Know Hope.


It remains to say that we appreciate all of you, for your prayers, care and financial help. Please do stay in touch. We love to hear from you and thank God for each one of you!

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